A Previously Recorded 6-Week Online Series  


Click on a link below to purchase the translations! Translations will be available shortly after each session.


Accelerate The Blueprint Energies Within Yourself And Within Your World!


Alcazar's message

"We have asked these, the Stargate team, to create a continuing series of webinars where we can move into some of the many ways that the new Blueprint can assist you."

Listen to Alcazar's full message!

Join Us For This Online Series

Each week Alcazar will be guiding us on this path of growing into our New Blueprint. Discover what is available for you now.

Healing the past and the future

Session 1

New levels of the essence of life

Session 2

New ways to youth the body

Session 3

Abundance on all levels

Session 4

Accessing new levels of consciousness

Session 5

To be revealed by Spirit

Session 6

Beloved Ones We Greet Thee,

‘Tis Alcazar,

It has given us much joy to observe those who have participated in the energetics of the new Blueprint.
Seeing how already, these energies are spreading and growing around your world.
We have asked these, the Stargate team, to create a continuing series of webinars where we can move into some of the many ways that the new Blueprint can assist you.
As we said in your Slovenia, the Blueprint is there now, and it is for you to grow into it.
And so these series will be assisting you in different areas of how to grow into that which is already there for you.
To assist you in understanding and experiencing in your daily life how this Blueprint can evolve for you individually.
And so this guidance will be shared.  You will hear from others about their experiencing so you can see, ‘Ah.  It is really happening!’
So, Beloved Ones, we invite and encourage you to join us on these webinars.  To accelerate the Blueprint energies within yourself and within your world.
Come join us.  Discover what is available for you now.  
For you life can become more abundant in all areas, as we have said many times in your Slovenia - abundance on all levels.  Claim it. Allow us to suggest ways and energetics that can bring this to you more rapidly.
And so Beloved Ones, we will talk with you again very soon.

Pricing Options

The contribution for this six part online series is $77. We have included an $37 price level for those of you who have a genuine financial limitation right now. We trust that those who can afford the full amount will support the Stargate work by selecting that option! :-)



Sign up here!



Sign up here!

In This 6 Week Online Series You Will Receive:

• Access to each session's webinar replay
• Lifetime access to the replay videos of each session
• Mp3 audio downloads of the Stargate meditations guided by Alcazar

About The Blueprint For a New Humanity

The blueprint for a new humanity was anchored in the Stargate Global Gathering in a live workshop in Slovenia, April 18th - 21st, 2019.

"We welcome you into this culmination of the Stargate work - because Beloved Ones, now, after this Slovenian event, a whole new phase of the Stargate work will begin."
-Alcazar, The Stargate's Guide

The Blueprint For A New Humanity

More than 500 people joined us in Slovenia to anchor the energy of the New Blueprint, supported by over 1,000 people on the livestream - tuning in from around the world!

Testimonials After The Blueprint Experience

"I just experienced a manifestation of forgiveness and love in a powerful way thanks to the Stargate global event. In my meditations, I sent love and forgiveness to myself and others throughout my timelines. One point in my professional life 4 years ago was particularly painful. I had earned a coveted promotion and my co-workers who had been good friends became jealous and I was defensive ... all because egos took control. I was mindful of that work family during meditations and sent them love. Today, I received a group text from each of them (all 6), asking for a reunion to celebrate the summer. Many of us haven’t spoken to each other in years. And now we’re planning a camping trip together. It’s like the conflict never happened. Thank you bring me MORE," Tani, USA


"Already the first day a lot started to happen. My body relaxed deeply as never before. I thought I had dealt with many things within myself but it wasn’t the case. I felt something was happening with the right side of my body. Each day my feelings deepened with tears, I started to see colors, guides, I felt extremely loving energies. 

On the third day a deep memory of my relationship with my father started to untangle (he is on the other side already). I never felt any support or warmth from him. But this time something let go of my right hand and my dad’s energy on the other side embraced me. I cried like a baby. I was embraced by everlasting love. After that I clearly saw and felt all the guides that Prageet was mentioning. Now I know who I am. I am truly grateful for such a deep and endless experience of consciousness.

I have no words to describe this newly awakened energy in me. I feel better and better day after day, I am full of ideas and creative thoughts. I wish to thank all of you, ALCAZAR and everyone we are connected with in the embrace of New Humanity. I will definitely keep coming back as the experience in meditations is amazing.", Gordana, Slovenija

The Journey Has Just Begun! 

Growing Into The New Blueprint Is Going To Be FUN! 

"This series will be assisting you in understanding and experiencing in your daily life how this Blueprint can evolve for you individually." - Alcazar


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